Monday, February 22, 2010

Temptations of Christ

The following is from my Parish Bulletin, thanks to Fr Murphy.

1) Bodily pleasures v's Self Control
2) Ego/Power v's Prayerfulness
3) Wealth/Greed v's Generosity

Temptations are not sins, provided we do not consent to them.
Christ was tempted but never sinned.
He allowed Himself to be tempted so as to teach us HOW to combat them.

Sometimes overcoming temptations can even help us to obtain more grace and grow in virtue.
All occasions of sin, however, are dangerous in as much as we become more susceptible to sin.
For the devil never sleeps, but like a hunter waits silently for his prey, until we are tired, fed up or depressed.
Then via deceit, fantasy and with feigned compassion, he induces us into his snare and sin is chosen.

During Lent, the common practice of penance is fulfilled by performing the following:

1) Prayer
- daily Mass
- rosary
- stations of the cross
- adoration

2) Self-Denial
- not eating meat
- sweets
- alcohol
- no TV
- no internet
- no computer games, etc...

3) Helping Others
- the poor (ie: project compassion box)
- visiting the sick
- visiting the elderly
- visiting the lonely


breadgirl said...

Hello Gina

Thanks for sharing this. You make some very interesting points in this post. I don't think we can have too many reminders of just what Lent should be for each of us.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing Gina:) We have found our path again xx